The Prayers of Ahmadis Can Change the World!
In his Friday Sermon on 16th February 2024, Huzoor (aba) said:
“The fire of war is spreading. A great deal of prayers are needed to save humanity from destruction and if Ahmadis pray in the right manner they can do something about it.
“The Israeli government is stubborn in its ways and is giving excuses to try to justify its actions […] and they are not ready to listen to any common sense.
“Concerning the rest of the world powers – either by choice or out of some fear of Israel – they first begin to speak against the war and call for ceasefires, however, as soon as the Israeli narrative is said they echo it.
“May Allah have mercy on the Muslims and enable them to turn to Allah. This is the only way through which they can protect their worldly life and the Hereafter. May Allah the Almighty have mercy on them and allow us to continue to pray and also have mercy on us.”